Good Morning! Tuesdays are for Toning. Yes yes yes. I highly enjoy working out, maybe because I have been doing it my whole life and it feels a part of me but also, I think it's because I love that feeling of overcoming a challenge. Don't get me wrong, I definitely have days where I dread it, we all do! But in general, I just plain love it. It's EXCITING. If you don't feel this way - I may be biased, but I think you are doing it wrong ;)
There's so many ways you can work out. If you aren't a huge gym goer - like me - that's okay! There are tons of exercises you can do outside and even in your room! The older I have gotten, the more I realize how it gets harder to make time for workouts. We are busy bees! But in my opinion, you can ALWAYS take 10 minutes to work out because its just as important for you as eating healthy and living life to the fullest.
In the future - I will be adding videos so you can see some of my weird workouts ;) As for this post, I have some general ideas for working out. Hey, I get bored. I like to MIX IT UP and explore all ways to sweat.
My weekly work outs look a lot like this:
Yoga, Cycling, Running Core workouts with a barre, Outside stair climbing, Hiking, Core planks, Push ups, Squats and TRX.
Do you do any of these kinds of workouts? Let me know some of your favorite work outs :) I want to hear!
Toning for: CARDIO, BOOTY, LEGS, CORE (yes your abs get a workout too)
Results: STRENGTH, ENDURANCE & hopefully PEACE OF MIND from a great view from the top :)
Wearing: Sports bra by MOVING COMFORT / Shorts by: NIKE / Nike shoes from: NORDSTROM RACK