Fitness Routine - Toned Tuesdays

Fitness Routine - Toned Tuesdays

Hey there! I have been a little MIA for the past month as I have been traveling and busy with work. Sorry for not posting - but I will be posting a lot more each week!


I wanted to share a sneak peak into my work out routine. As some of you may know, I played collegiate and professional soccer, my  whole life has been a non stop cardio workout. However, recently I have come to explore other types of exercises that I feel tone and give me results that I wasn't receiving during all those cardio hours. Most of my life I had been training for PERFORMANCE of the game which is a lot different than just training to stay and look in shape. Hours of running, squats and leg building workouts have morphed into body weight and core work.

Here is an example of my weekly routine last week:

Sunday - Arms / back exercies on my own
Monday - Core class at the gym / Jumprope
Tuesday - Abs class / Barre class at the gym
Weds - Morning surf sesh
Thursday - Break
Friday - Yoga
Saturday - Core planks and pushups at home
To some of you this may seem like A LOT of working out. But to me, its pretty normal. When I do core workouts and pushups at home, that lasts about 20 minutes, which is not very much of you day and is convenient in the morning or before you go to bed :)
I look forward to posting a video of some simple workouts you can do at home - so tune in for that next week.
I prefer working out MORE times a week, rather than a few times a week super, super hard. I wouldn't do more than 2 extremely hard workouts each week. If you go too hard, its hard to walk the next day and you need a couple days, at least to recover. That is more the style when you are looking to build insane muscle which I believe most of us here want to be lean and strong :)
WHY does working out suck a lot of the time? WHY do people not like to work out? BECAUSE IT HURTS when you are out of shape. I've been there many times, it freaking hurts and its miserable. But I am here to tell you - you can get past that point! There is light at the end of that tunnel and with a consistent, slow improvement each day, you will get there! I promise. Dont let your mind tell you, its impossible. Its absolutely a lie and its time for you to stop listening to your negative thoughts.
The MOST IMPORTANT part about my workout routine and why I want to share about it is because it's not about how much you work out - I believe its about building a  STRONG CORE to start with, and doing a little something each day or every other day. Your body has muscle memory, and although you may be out of shape at some point, it takes less time to get back to that state good shape if you build that core. I also strongly live by MIXING UP workouts. And that is a new focus of mine (as I told you I did workouts revolving around soccer most of my life).
Mixing Up is good for working out ALL parts of your body and not over working certain ones AS WELL as keeping you from getting bored :)
Yoga, Pilates, Cycling, Barre, Abs, Leg lifts, pushups, Boxing, Jumprope, Running, Planks, list could go on for days!
Lastly, I enjoy working out and I think its fun to challenge your body. You would be surprised what your body can handle if you don't give up. Brain > Body.
Its not just about how you LOOK but more importably how you FEEL. I notice I have a much more positive outlook on life when I am working out and eating healthy.
Tune in next week for a video on simple core work I do to stay lean and strong.
Black Out series shot by Jay Sullivan.
Wearing: Under Armour bra and pants & Nike shoes. (Check out Dicks Sporting goods - always having sales)